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Local newspaper "Echo" support for Liverpool Family

Our Liverpool Support Group Co-ordinator, Lisa Rudge has literally just sat down to catch her breath after an exciting couple of weeks. Book signings with Tim Howard, raising the profile of people with TS and organising the Liverpool Support Group's Christmas party has certainly meant she's had no time for wrapping up Christmas presents!

Lisa and Neil's son, Josh met with goalkeeper TIm Howard who also lives with TS a couple of years ago at Finch Farm, Everton's training ground and more recently a couple of weeks ago when the Tourettes Action Support Group, headed up by Lisa were allowed VIP access before the general public.

EFC mad Josh's TS hapened quite suddenly, to the extent whereby it altered the family dynamics dramatically. 

Janet Tansley, an extremely talented and well respected journalist working for the Liverpool Echo, caught up with Lisa to find out how Josh's TS came about, how they live with it ion a day to day basis and why Everton mad Josh is still just that: Everton mad Josh. Read the full article.

"People need to know that TS is involuntary. We don't need pity, but some will always need help, support and understanding"



Monday 10 March 19:00

Parent/Caregiver Online Support Group, Online 7pm - 8pm

Tuesday 11 March 20:00

Dads/Male Role Models Online Support Group, Online 8pm - 9pm

Wednesday 12 March 19:00

Adults with TS Support Group, Online 7pm - 8pm
