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For professionals
Information for people working with and teaching people with Tourette Syndrome.
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About TS
ACAMH: The Bridge, Tourette Syndrome edition
ACAMH is a registered charity with over 60 years’ experience in promoting the advancement of child & adolescent mental health. Their online publication - The Bridge - brings together research digests, and Tourette Syndrome is the focus of their February 2019 edition.
Factsheet - Coprolalia
Coprophenomena is the involuntary expression of socially unacceptable words or gestures including Coprolalia, Coprographia and Copropraxia.
Children & young people
Factsheet - Exam revision tips
This factsheet offers information on what exam access arrangements are available to someone with TS and tips on how to best prepare for exams.
Factsheet - Functional Tics
This factsheet aims to give you an introduction to functional tics, it is not a factsheet about Tourette syndrome, but discusses the overlap between TS and FND.
For professionals
Factsheet for Employers
We have created this factsheet for employers including information about TS and the Equality Act, reasonable adjustments, interview tips and some useful examples of adapting the social, physical and sensory environments in the workplace for an employee with TS.
Key Facts for Teachers
This leaflets outlines the most important things that teachers need to know when working with a pupil who has Tourette Syndrome.
About TS
ACAMH: The Bridge, Tourette Syndrome edition
ACAMH is a registered charity with over 60 years’ experience in promoting the advancement of child & adolescent mental health. Their online publication - The Bridge - brings together research digests, and Tourette Syndrome is the focus of their February 2019 edition.
Children & young people
Differences and similarities of ASD and Tourette Syndrome
Chartered research psychologist and freelance neurodiversity consultant Seonaid Anderson is the author of an interesting article featured in the 2021 Jan/Feb edition of SEN magazine.
The article compares the many differences and similarities between Tourette Syndrome (TS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), such as prevalence, symptoms, co-occurring conditions and movements which are associated with each condition.
Neurodiversity at work
This report highlights the benefits of having a 'neurodiverse' workforce and aims to identify policies and practices to ensure the integration of people with neurological conditions into mainstream employment.
For professionals
Professor Mary Robertson Prizewinner 2013
For professionals
Professor Mary Robertson Prizewinner 2014
Secondary Tourettes - Transition to Secondary School. SEN Magazine
Tourettes Action Research Manager Dr Seonaid Anderson, looks at how to help children with Tourette Syndrome handle the difficult transition to secondary school.
About TS
A Fixers campaign led by Sophia Savidis-Macris
‘The media tends to only show very extreme versions of Tourette’s and that’s quite frustrating for those of us who have less noticeable symptoms.’
Sophia Savidis-Macris wants to highlight the challenges she faces living with Tourette’s syndrome so she can tackle some of the misconceptions surrounding the condition.
This story was broadcast on ITV News London in January 2016.A school-based exercise to demonstrate how concentration can be impaired by tics
Harvey is passionate about informing teachers about TS, and wanted to make a short video to demonstrate how TS can be a barrier to learning.
Belleville teacher battles Tourette Syndrome: I never knew the word 'can't'
An article and video about a teacher in the US with Tourette Syndrome.
About TS
Dance, Yoga and how it's helped my TS
Clair Beckett, professional dancer, yoga teacher and theatre company director talks about her experience of movement based practices and how they support her TS.
Rupert shares his experience of CBIT therapy with Tourettes Action
Watch this informative video which shows the benefits of Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT).
About TS
Things Not To Say To People With Tourette Syndrome
The fantastic BBC3 series 'Things Not To Say To People', that helps break down stereotypes and myths about social groups have made an episode on Tourette Syndrome.
Tic Talk: School Transition
This video is part of our 'Tic Talk' series, in which we have collaborated with Specialist Teacher - Katie Skinner - to bring strategies and advice to children, parents and teachers about topics relating to school and TS.
Tourettes Action - parent and school partnership
Geraldine Hills discusses how parents of children with Tourette Syndrome can work with the school to get the best support in place for their child.
About TS
University of Nottingham research study into online support groups
An online survey exploring users’ experiences of using online support groups for tic disorders and Tourette syndrome
Cognitive-Behavioural Management of Tic Disorders
This book provides a comprehensive review of what is known about the occurrence and diagnosis of tics.
Front of the class
Brad Cohen has TS and in this book outlines the journey he took to become a teacher.
Managing Tourette Syndrome
A Behavioral Intervention for Children and Adults Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work).
Tic Disorders - A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Uttom Chowdhury and Tara Murphy. Foreword by Suzanne Dobson, Chief Executive of Tourettes Action UK.
Tictionary: A Reference Guide to the World of Tourette Syndrome
This A-Z resource guide is for anyone needing information and common-sense strategies as they deal with neurological disorders, including TS.
Tourette Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome covers all of the main aspects related to TS, analyzing the complexity of its clinical presentation, the novel viewpoints of causes and mechanisms, the best way to assess TS patients, and the multifaceted and multidisciplinary treatment options.
Tourette Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Teachers, Parents and Carers (Resource Materials for Teachers)
Clinical descriptions and medical treatments are discussed and advice on diagnosis, identification and assessment in the classroom is given.
Coprolalia Myths Demystified
An article looking at the reasons behind coprolalia and inappropriate behaviour.
What is TS? A presentation for Secondary School children
This presentation has been designed with young adults of secondary school age in mind. It's aim is to inform about the complexities of Tourette syndrome and to dispel some misconceptions around the condition. By increasing TS knowledge amongst pupils, this will hopefully breed acceptance and understanding of the condition.
Website links
"A smartphone App helped me treat my Tourettes"
The Telegraph reports on the use of mobile apps to help people access pioneering treatments for TS.
Research paper: Difficulties experienced by young people with Tourette syndrome in secondary school
Difficulties experienced by young people with Tourette syndrome in secondary school: a mixed methods description of self, parent and staff perspectives.
Press cuttings
"A smartphone App helped me treat my Tourettes"
The Telegraph reports on the use of mobile apps to help people access pioneering treatments for TS.
'On the tic' - SEN Magazine, March 2013
TA Chief Executive, Suzanne Dobson, writes in SEN magazine about how TS affects pupils and what schools can do to help.
Belleville teacher battles Tourette Syndrome: I never knew the word 'can't'
An article and video about a teacher in the US with Tourette Syndrome.
About TS
New Scientist article: People with Tourette's may find it easier to pick up new skills
People with Tourette's syndrome seem to have enhanced memory that could make them better at learning tasks unconsciously, such as speaking a second language or driving a car.