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Professional’s experiences of working with children and young people diagnosed with functional tics
Posted on 30 October 2024 by Pippa McClounan
New research study from University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital
Researchers and Clinicians from University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital are looking to recruit Healthcare professionals (registered with the relevant healthcare organisations/bodies) who have worked, or currently work, with children and young people diagnosed with functional tics. There has been a reported increase in young people experiencing functional tics yet there has not been much research into functional tics. Little is known about professionals experiences or working with children and young people living with functional tics. The study aims to qualitatively explore professionals experiences of working with this group of children and young people.
The study aims to use qualitative interviews with healthcare professionals who have worked or currently work with functional tics. Professionals who take part will be asked on their perspectives on referral pathways, treatment and other relevant factors will be explored in detail. The study also aims to raise awareness of the difficulties faced by children and young people with functional tics and the challenges faced by this community. By gaining healthcare professional’s perspectives, this project offers a unique chance to explore what can be implemented to improve the quality of life of this community.