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It's what makes me tic!

It's what makes me tic!

Posted on 15 May 2023 by Pippa McClounan


Tourette’s Awareness month is here and what a special month we have planned!

This year we are doing things a little differently with our “Its What Makes Me Tic” campaign over on the Tourettes Action TikTok Channel.

With the help of our 5 Ambassadors, we are making it our mission to share with the world what it really means to have Tourette Syndrome, told exactly how those with Tourette’s would like to tell it. 

In what will be a world first, we have launched a TikTok docuseries showing what life is like with TS by putting the power in the hands of our ambassadors, to tell the true story of Tourette’s in real time. Join us on TikTok to share 5 incredible journeys, of highs and lows, struggles and laughs - their real life, in real time. 

We’d love you to say hello, share your experiences and ask questions. Let’s work together to dispel myths, correct misunderstanding and above all shine a light on the true story of Tourette Syndrome. 

Now for the fun part - lets meet our Ambassadors!


This is Josh, he’s 28 and runs a barber’s in Hertfordshire. Having spent many years being told he couldn’t do things because of his TS, he now shows everyone he absolutely CAN. Josh loves a pint at his local, enjoys fashion and with his super supportive fiancé, Lucy, they hope to buy a house soon!  

Meet Erin, a creative, music loving student from Newcastle. Studying, working and having a social life has been hard since diagnosis, coupled with the public lack of understanding or empathy around TS means, often, everyday life has felt tough. But Erin has worked hard to learn so much, educate others and find her happy place through self-acceptance and support!

This is Gavin, a hugely successful and acclaimed classical composer, Gavin lives in South London and recently turned 40. Life wasn't always filled with Awards Ceremonies and BBC Proms concerts. As a teenager his Tourette’s peaked and life was painful, frightening, and lonely. Gavin found music was his therapy, it got him through those years and has transformed his music filled career. 

Paul was diagnosed with TS at 46 years old, after struggling through school and life without support or awareness of his Tourette Syndrome. Once Paul understood his condition, he dedicated his life to talking about it and supporting others. Having spent years with people telling him he was a “bad child” and to “keep quiet”, Paul is now invited by organisations to talk about TS, has featured in documentaries and inspires so many through his knowledge and experience.  

Here's Seren, a beaming light of positivity no matter what she is faced with. Seren’s tics began at around 5 years old, but diagnosis took a decade and saw her facing misdiagnosis and inaccuracies along the way. However 3 years after hearing she has Tourette Syndrome and now 19, Seren spends her time running, studying at University or helping out her much loved Girl Guide groups.


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