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TA does the 2023 London Landmarks Half Marathon

Posted on 31 March 2023 by Pippa McClounan


Meet the team!

The time has almost arrived for our amazing team of runners to put their hard training runs into action and take to the streets of London for the iconic Landmarks Half Marathon on Sunday 2 April 2023.

Our successful charity place athletes are gearing up to tackle 13.1 miles, raise lots of money for TA and fulfil a truly amazing personal achievement.


So let's find out who they are! 


***Jenna Doran***

Hi everyone! I’m Jenna and I’m taking on the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2023!

I’ve recently found my running mojo again since taking this challenge on, and what better charity to support than Tourettes Action! A charity so very close to my heart, and not only because I work there (with an incredible group of campaigners).

I see messages and stories daily from families and individuals so desperate to get help and support living with Tourettes. Doing what I can to raise awareness about TS, the lack of support and Neurodiversity in general is what really matters on this gruelling run (and not the sweat and tears)! I’m doing this for my amazing team, my lovely Ollie, and for all of you who are part of our community. Thank you for everyone’s support so far!

Donate to Jenna's fundraising page here



***Helen Johnson***

My beautiful daughter has had Tourette’s since around the age of 4. I am so proud of how she gets through dealing with each day at school, tic attacks, trying to suppress, medications and even a clinical trial. All of our information on Tourette’s has come from Tourettes Action, be it consultant lists to posters I’ve put up at my work, or factsheets for my daughters teachers and up to date information on trials and therapies. Tourettes Action is a brilliant, supportive, knowledgable charity and I’m pleased to run the London Landmarks Half Marathon for them.

Donate to Helen's fundraising page here



***Melissa Wood***

My daughter was diagnosed with Tourette’s in 2021 at the age of 11 and we were much luckier than most to have a diagnosis within 2 years of showing symptoms but unfortunately received very little support after. It soon became very clear we knew very little about the condition #itsnotwhatyouthink.

We’ve had lots of ups and downs along the way but thankfully lots of laughs. When looking into a charity place for LLHM I couldn’t think of a better charity I could raise much needed funds for and also raise awareness along the way. I was lucky enough to get a LLHM charity place with Tourettes Action and have used this to raise awareness of this much misunderstood condition. They have been a great source of information and advice from others in the same position. Really looking forward to LLHM and making my daughter proud by wearing my vest in support of her and showing how proud I am of how she has faced every challenge and still manages to find something to smile about every day.

Donate to Melissa's fundraising page here



***Seb Fear***

My girlfriend, Tara, was officially diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome a couple of years ago so it is a cause very close to my heart. I would love to spread awareness of the condition to as many as people as possible as it is still such a misunderstood condition, with most people’s perceptions of it being entirely wrong. The more money we raise together, the more can go towards helping people who need it, especially when respite can be so hard to come by.

Donate to Seb's fundraising page here



***Tanisha Knight***

My name is Tanisha and I have been working as a Secondary School Performing Arts teacher in the State Education sector for nearly 5 years and have noticed in the last few years a considerable increase in the amount of young people displaying motor and vocal like tic symptoms (specifically post lockdown). My role as a teacher is to ensure my studios and the stage are inclusive and safe to all. I will be running the LLHM 2023 for Tourettes Action because they do incredible work providing education resources, support, training and various other helpful methods to young people, parents and even us teachers.

Donate to Tanisha's fundraising page here




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