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London Marathon Superstars 2023

Posted on 31 March 2023 by Pippa McClounan


Meet the team!

We are in awe of these amazing individuals who will be challenging themselves to an eye watering 26.2 mile run either through London or virtually on 23 April to raise funds for TA.

The London Marathon is an iconic event, and we are thrilled to have such a strong team of runners this year, who will be waving the flag for TA and raising thousands of pounds for the TS community.

So let's meet the TA Super Stars!


***Emma McNally***

My name is Emma McNally and I am the CEO of Tourettes Action. Having a son with Tourette’s, I know exactly how it feels to be subject to the stigma that sadly still surrounds TS. I know how it feels wanting to help your child when they are in pain but feeling helpless, I know how hard it is to get medical treatment for Tourette’s and none being available where you live, and I know how it feels to have to push for school adjustments when school don’t see the impact that TS has on your child. I have been through many of the struggles that many of our families are now going through on a daily basis, so I can fully empathise with them. I want to help them, I want to help improve things for the whole TS community. I want to improve the health services, I want to remove the stigma and bring about awareness of the condition and make life just that little bit easier to deal with. I know doing the marathon won’t bring about these changes, but I am hoping that I might be able to raise awareness of TS and all that it entails, whilst also raising funds for the charity, which will enable us to continue to support people with TS and their families.

Working at Tourettes Action and seeing the impact we have on people with TS and their families, is truly heart-warming. There is no better feeling. I honesty couldn’t think of a better charity to support, of course I may be a little biased, but the work we do at the charity has such a lasting impact, we are the light at the end of the tunnel for many. All money raised will go to the charity and will be used for great things.

You can donate to Emma's Fundraising page here


***Emily Barry***

Taking on a challenge like the London Marathon is something I never thought I’d tackle. It is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but what is harder is having Tourette’s. My husband to be has Tourette’s and even though now at the age of 33 he has turned into a resilient, hard working man, I know at times in his childhood and early adulthood it hasn’t been easy. Through challenges we’ve faced together, this one is no different. So I look forward to running/walking/crying the London marathon to raise money for a charity that really needs support.

PS - Lewis Capaldi I am available for a hug if you want to come and see me at the London marathon.

You can donate to Emily's fundraising page here


***Katy Daly***

My name is Katy and I'm a primary school teacher from Essex. Throughout my years working with children and young people, I had seen tics and heard about Tourettes in the media but did not truly understand the impact of the condition until my youngest daughter Willow started to tic.

Initially, at an early age, we noticed small tics; little noises and movements these seemed to be more prevalent with anxiety. As time went on her tics exploded and became more unmanageable and prolonged tic attacks resulted in her being regularly sent home from school either with minor injuries or sheer exhaustion. During this time it was difficult to find any help within the NHS and as a family we turned to Tourettes Action, a charity which helped keep us informed and allowed us to feel less alone. Eventually we had to seek a private diagnosis and treatment, Willow's tics are now mostly kept under control using medication. This is not a perfect solution and she does still have tic attacks, but she is better able to manage her life day to day now.

She has shown so much resilience in the face of adversity and has often held her head high and dealt with her tourettes with humour, but it has been a long, hard journey which is not over yet!

I'm running for Tourettes Action to help raise awareness and funds but to also show Willow just how proud I am of her!

You can donate to Katy's fundraising page here


***Michael Hilsdon***

I am running for my 8 year old daughter Annie, who has Tourette's. I have seen the struggles she goes through and wanted to show her that she can do anything she wants to do and that nothing will hold her back. This run is to raise awareness and to show her she really isn't alone! 

You can donate to Michael's fundraising page here


***Sophie Jones & Kay Gregory***

Mum and Daughter dynamic duo, Kay and Sophie, are running for TA to say thank you for all their help and support since Kayleigh’s (Kay’s daughter, Sophie’s sister) was diagnosis in 2020.

Kay had previously run the LLHM for TA and decided to go for the big one! To her shock, she received a ballot spot and persuaded Sophie to take up the charity spot and join her! TA have provided much needed support and guidance, especially during lockdown. It has been a platform to meet and communicate with other family’s going through the same situation.

Despite the tough training, they are pushing every day to do the best they can and raise as much money as possible for a charity close to their hearts. The whole process of training for the marathon has been incredible! Sophie’s personal favourite (after raising money for charity of course) is being able to eat every bit of food in sight and calling it “carb loading for the next long run!”

Kay’s favourite has been seeing the progress she has been making, running that little bit further every week and rewarding herself with a protein shake afterwards, followed by a well deserved nap! They can't wait for the big day!

You can donate to Sophie and Kay's fundraising page here


***Alison Rigby - Virtual London Marathon Runner***

I have spent 15 months trying to get some support for my 11 year old daughter who suffers with tics. So far, we have had one referral for an ADHD assessment declined and one referral to see a neurologist for a Tourettes assessment declined. So this leaves me asking the question, if they don't see children with tics then who does?) My daughter's main tic is an aggressive sniffing tic - this causes her embarrassment and it also causes her pain. 

It is heart breaking watching my daughter suffer with tics. She said to me the other night. "Mum, can you please make them stop" And the truth is that I would love to. But how can I make them stop if we can't even get an assessment to get a diagnosis? My daughter deserves better. Our children deserve better. And this is why I am dusting off my trainers in support of Tourettes Action who work tirelessly for a greater understanding of Tourette syndrome and they also campaign for early diagnosis and access to services and support for people living with the condition #TourettesHearUs 

You can donate to Alison's fundraising page here


***Mark Reed - Virtual London Marathon Runner***

Mark is a seasoned runner who has been running his entire military career, having completed Iron Man events at both half and full distances, plus numerous half marathons, long distance cycle events and the London marathon last year. Despite saying 'never again' just six months ago to running another marathon, Mark couldn't resist the call from TA to fill one of our last remaining virtual marathon places with just 4 weeks notice! We have every faith that Mark will smash it!

You can donate to Mark's fundraising page here


***Samuel Bawden & James Deag - Virtual London Marathon Runners***

Samuel Bawden got in touch when he saw our 'last call' on social media for virtual London Marathon runners. Samuel's son Leo, was diagnosed just a few weeks ago and this inspired him to start fundraising for TA. Not one to let his friend off the hook, he convinced his pal James Deag to sign up too!

With only 3.5 weeks to prepare for the marathon, just to make it that little bit more tough, this crazy pair are planning to run the marathon in the Yorkshire Dales, so they can incorporate the 24 mile "Yorkshire 3 Peaks" route (with its 5,200ft of ascent).

You can donate to their fundraising page here




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