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Move for Tourettes 2020
Posted on 20 May 2020 by Pippa McClounan
The only limit to your challenge is your imagination!
7 June is International TS Awareness Day, where people all over the world will be raising awareness of TS. We invite you to support our exciting campaign and 'Move for Tourettes' this June.
What is it?
You set your own goal and choose where, when and how to complete your challenge anytime during the month of June. It could be a 5k family dog walk, 10k run, 10,000 steps-a-day fitbit challenge, skipping every day for a week or a 20-mile cycle. The only limit to your challenge is your imagination - and the current social distancing restrictions of course!
Who can take part in 'Move for Tourettes'?
Everyone! In previous years, groups have gathered to complete their challenge together, but with the current situation why not create a virtual group with your friends from school, cubs, brownies or football, or even your running club to encourage a virtual group event; encourage family and friends to take part or simply go solo.
Everyone who signs up will receive a bespoke TA medal, certificate and TA wristband.
Want to raise more money?
Why not encourage your friends and family to sponsor you? Create an online fundraising page through Virgin Money Giving and raise even more money for Tourettes Action. It’s simple to use and is a safe, secure way for your supporters to donate.
The Rules:
- Registration is £10 per adult and £5 per child (up to age 15)
- When finished, email us to say how you completed your challenge (eg.Strava, Fitbit, photograph)
- Post a photo of your challenge to social media using the hashtag #MoveForTourettes and we'll also upload your photo to our Flickr gallery
- We will send your medal, certificate and wristband once your challenge is complete
We are excited to bring you a special 'Move for Tourettes with Jump Start Jonny' online workout! This will be a fun, 30 minute session for all the family, broadcast live on YouTube at 10am on Sunday 7 June. Join us via your phone, tablet, smart TV or any other device for a live workout followed by a fun fitness game, a fitness challenge and then a cool down/mindfulness activity. It's 30 minutes of movement madness fuelled by lots of ENERGY!
The video will then be available on demand on YouTube so you can do it again anytime!
There is NO CHARGE for this workout but if you want to use this as your 'Move for Tourettes' challenge and earn a medal, certificate and wristband, sign up to 'Move for Tourettes with Jump Start Jonny' for £5.
Sign up to Move for Tourettes here
If you have any questions, please contact Pippa.