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Latest news from the ORBIT trial
Posted on 3 October 2019
The research team on the ORBIT trial have now finished recruiting for this project. Their plan was to finish recruitment on 1st October 2019; and on the 30th September their 224th participant was enrolled into the trial.
The ORBIT study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an Internet-delivered behavioural therapy compared to an Internet-delivered education programme aimed at children and young people with tics. A process evaluation will be carried out alongside the main trial to determine exactly how the behavioural intervention works and find out whether, and if so, how, the intervention could be successfully implemented in standard clinical practice. The study also explores the experiences of participants, therapists and supervisors and referring clinicians of ORBIT. The demand for therapy for young people with tics and Tourette’s is large and it often depends on the region in which you live as to whether you can receive therapy or not. By giving therapy online, this would open up a new way of delivering behavioural treatments for tics. This could be very encouraging to young people with tics and Tourette’s, as if the online therapy is found to be effective and can be made available by the NHS then this would give more patients access to therapy.
The protocol paper describes the justification, aims, and method of the ORBIT trial process evaluation. The paper was written by PhD student Kareem Khan in collaboration with: Professor Chris Hollis; Dr Charlotte Hall; Dr Bethan Davies; Professor David Mataix-Cols; PhD student Per Andrén; Dr Tara Murphy; Dr Bev Brown; Professor Elizabeth Murray and Professor Cris Glazebrook.
The trial final findings wont be avilable until 2021.
Watch this video from the ORBIT team for an overview of this research project and the story so far.