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Did you know that without research participants there would be no research into TS?
Posted on 1 October 2016
Research needs YOU!
Without research participants there would be NO research.
Without research there would be NO progress in treatments and understanding of TS.
Become a Research Participant!
Tourettes Action is launching a Research Participant Registry which is a voluntary database of individuals willing to consider participating in research studies. This would allow TA to contact you about studies that might be interesting.
We might also contact you to ask for your opinions on research proposals. This is called being a 'Lay reviewer'. Lay reviewers are people without formal training as a scientist or researcher. All they need is to have some experience of TS and have a strong interest in advancing the treatment and/or management of TS and wish to assist in the review of research applications made to Tourettes Action for research money. Contact at us:
Join the Registry!