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A study looking at the role mobile apps have in supporting the treatment of Tourette syndrome among young people.
Posted on 14 July 2015
Do you own an Android or Apple smartphone? If you are between the ages of 10-17 years and have a diagnosis of Tourette syndrome then you are eligible to take part in our study.
The study will be looking at the role mobile apps have in supporting the treatment of Tourette syndrome among young people.
This study will involve taking part in an online questionnaire, downloading a range of relaxation mobile apps and using them for 2 weeks. We would like you to keep a weekly record of your app usage and rate them at the end of the 2 weeks. We would then like you to take part in a group discussion or a face-to-face interview (face-to-face. over the phone, or via Skype) so we can discuss with you what features you liked about the app and how they could be improved.
If you are interested in taking part in this study, please email
If you would like more information about the study please follow this link to the Mindtech website
Please read more about the researcher involved in this study here.
Thank you for your interest and cooperation.