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Awards for Research Contribution for professionals
Posted on 1 April 2015
Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders Awards for research
For more information please go to the website
ESSTS Best Poster and Best Presentation Award
The best poster and the best oral presentation by a junior investigator (resident, medical student, research or clinical fellow, trainee or graduate student) will be given an award. Judging will be done by a committee of senior ESSTS members. While this award is sponsored by the ESSTS, all junior investigators irrespective of nationality are eligible.
2015 Professor Mary Robertson Award for Research Contribution
Any junior investigator (resident, medical student, research or clinical fellow, trainee or graduate student) who has an abstract accepted for presentation may apply for the “2015 Professor Mary Robertson Award for Research Contribution”.
This award has been endowed by Professor Mary Robertson MBChB, MD, DSc (Med), DPM, FRCPCH, FRCP, FRCpsych and includes a prize of UK £250. The winning entrant will be asked to make a 15 minute presentation on his/her research at the Congress.
To apply submit an essay of 3,000-5,000 words (excluding references) on original research related to the study of Tourette Syndrome. The work may be published or unpublished and can include findings presented at other conferences. It must however include the new data that will be presented at the 1st World Congress on Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
The submission must be written by the entrant and must include a statement explaining the role of the applicant and other members of the research team, if applicable.
Entries should be sent as an email attachment to Jeremy Stern, M.D. by May 29, 2015.