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Potential funding for researchers
Posted on 23 February 2015
Seed Corn Funding for potential Tourette Syndrome study in the field of paediatric neurology.
From the Child Brain Trust
Seed Corn Funding for potential Tourette Syndrome study in the field of paediatric neurology.
Deadline: 30th April 2015
Purpose of scheme:
To provide funds for early stage/pilot studies broadly in the field of paediatric neurology. Funded studies should be expected to yield results that promise to provide the foundation for full scale funding applications (from other sources) for larger scale definitive studies. Proposals should include a clear timescale & plan for future work.
Funds available: up to £7,500
Additional benefits: CSP /Network Support, Child Brain Research Support.
Further Information: Request an application form or download it from http:// The form includes full guidance notes and instructions.
Outcome from Autumn 2014:
2 projects funded. 2 x £5,000 award made
Child Brain Research /BPNA
3-5 Lee Lane
Phone: +44 (0)1204 695958
E-mail: Child Brain Trust