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The Tourettes Action Blog

The Tourettes Action blog gives people with Tourette Syndrome (TS) a space to talk about how the condition affects them. We hope that by explaining what life is really like to have or to live with someone who has TS, we can fight the stigma about the condition.

If you would like to write about your experiences of TS, we would love to hear from you. Please email us to find out more and discuss what you might like to write about.

  • Running for TS - not away from it.

    Adrian Reynolds talks with humour and inspiration about living with TS and how doing all you can for your health, gives you the best chance possible of dealing with TS each day

    Posted Fri 20th Nov 2015 at 12:45
    by Adrian Reynolds

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  • A young person's account on taking responsibility for your life

    Sam Hills talks about how he has managed to stay mentally strong and happy through using mindful techniques taught to him by his mum; and together how they have developed a guide book for young people who face similar challenges with their physical and mental health - to help them build emotional resilience

    Posted Fri 16th Oct 2015 at 10:05
    by Sam Hills

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  • Resilience can be taught!

    Geraldine - parent of Sam and author of 'Second Chance Day' talks about her recently published second book 'Second Chances - a young person's guide to emotional resilience' , partly inspired by helping her own son build his own emotional resilience around living with TS and other health issues

    Posted Fri 16th Oct 2015 at 09:52
    by Geraldine Hills

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  • Educating the Educators

    Sophia speaks frankly of how she had to take responsibility for her education by enabling the educators around her to understand TS and work with her to ensure a supportive, successful education

    Posted Tue 1st Sep 2015 at 12:49
    by Sophia

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  • A mother's honest account of coming to terms with her son's TS

    Geraldine Hills recalls the long journey she has made from a place of fear to total acceptance and celebration of her son's condition

    Posted Mon 29th Jun 2015 at 12:42

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