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The Tourettes Action Blog

The Tourettes Action blog gives people with Tourette Syndrome (TS) a space to talk about how the condition affects them. We hope that by explaining what life is really like to have or to live with someone who has TS, we can fight the stigma about the condition.

If you would like to write about your experiences of TS, we would love to hear from you. Please email us to find out more and discuss what you might like to write about.

  • School Experiences

    The first day of any school year is a particularly poignant moment for many students – new teachers and students, new books, and most of all, a year older and closer to the top of the school. For me, that first day of the new year was also a marker for the beginning of the end, as I am now in Year 13, the last year of school. So, in this post, I am going to talk about my school career, and will cover both the good and the bad, as well as my journey to where I am now.

    Posted Thu 8th Sep 2016 at 08:13
    by Charlotte Rushton

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  • Jeremy Stern, Consultant Neurologist & 2016's ESST's conference in Warsaw.

    Tics are more intensively investigated than you may think

    Posted Tue 19th Jul 2016 at 11:36
    by Jeremy Stern

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  • Tics in the Outback

    A young high school student from Australia got in touch with Tourettes Action recently to help answer some questions about Tourette Syndrome for her high school project. Tourettes Action research manager Seonaid Anderson discussed these questions and we thought this would also make an interesting blog to read.

    Posted Mon 18th Jul 2016 at 11:10
    by Estelle

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  • Radio Interview with the TA Guildford Support Group

    Dave and T-Jay run a support group in Guildford for Tourettes Action. Listen to their local radio interview following National Tourette Syndrome Awareness month, about the importance of raising awareness.

    Posted Mon 11th Jul 2016 at 12:44
    by Pippa McClounan

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  • I swear it isn't true!

    This month, Adrian tackles the misconceptions surrounding Tourette Syndrome.

    Posted Tue 5th Jul 2016 at 07:53
    by Adrian Reynolds

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