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The Tourettes Action Blog

The Tourettes Action blog gives people with Tourette Syndrome (TS) a space to talk about how the condition affects them. We hope that by explaining what life is really like to have or to live with someone who has TS, we can fight the stigma about the condition.

If you would like to write about your experiences of TS, we would love to hear from you. Please email us to find out more and discuss what you might like to write about.

  • Adolescents Perception of their Peers with Tourette Syndrome: An Exploratory study

    Melina Malli is a PhD researcher at the Tizard Centre in the University of Kent. She has also worked with people with TS as a special educational teacher. With her supervisor Professor Rachel Forrester-Jones they aim to develop an intervention to improve tic-free teenagers' attitudes towards their peers with TS. In order to achieve that, they needed to investigate what teenagers without TS thought about their peers with TS and how they believed they would behave and act around them. Their finding, taken from 22 participants without TS, provides insight into what an effective intervention should have in order to improve school experience for those with TS.

    Posted Mon 21st Nov 2016 at 13:17
    by Melina Malli

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  • Staring

    In one outing I showed a tuna and sweetcorn salad my middle finger, shouted the word ‘BEIGE!’ at a man dressed entirely in said hue, and told the whole of Starbucks to f- off. In the queue for the ladies, I let out an innocuous (albeit incongruous) ‘WOO’, and the woman in front actually backed away. As a general rule, I turn heads. People look at me, but people also more than look at me: they stare.

    Posted Wed 26th Oct 2016 at 12:37
    by Alice Franklin

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  • The Importance of Peer Support

    Tracey Francis is a freelance writer and researcher with a particular interest in improving the chances and life choices available to young people who face barriers to inclusion. She was awarded a Travel Fellowship by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to explore the experiences of young people with Tourettes, Asperger’s Syndrome or ADHD in Italy, Norway and the Czech Republic after they leave school. Her findings, taken from conversations with 50 young people and/or their family members, are the basis of a new report offering practical insights and recommendations to improve the experiences of this group as they make the transition to adulthood. For full details of the project, or to download a copy of the final report, visit

    Posted Thu 20th Oct 2016 at 13:28
    by Tracey Francis

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  • Anatomically Speaking - Adrian Reynolds tells us about his tics.

    I have been asked many times exactly what Tourette’s does to me, how it manifests day to day. There is such a frequent shift in severity, frequency, movements and physical toll that it’s of limited value to produce a simple list.

    Posted Thu 6th Oct 2016 at 11:48
    by Adrian Reynolds

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  • Gogglebox: Meet The McCormicks!

    Georgia, Scott and 14 year old Isaac regularly invite 6 million viewers into their living room on the hit TV show Gogglebox. Read here how the self-proclaimed 'quirky' family have endeared themselves into the hearts of many, and their mission to raise awareness and eradicate stigma by being open and honest about Isacc's Tourette Syndrome.

    Posted Tue 27th Sep 2016 at 10:36
    by Georgia McCormick

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