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The Tourettes Action Blog

The Tourettes Action blog gives people with Tourette Syndrome (TS) a space to talk about how the condition affects them. We hope that by explaining what life is really like to have or to live with someone who has TS, we can fight the stigma about the condition.

If you would like to write about your experiences of TS, we would love to hear from you. Please email us to find out more and discuss what you might like to write about.

  • To Every Ticlish Reader!

    All round performance artist, Chris Coxon, shines a light on his creative career in our latest blog.

    Posted Tue 5th Sep 2017 at 08:55
    by Chris Coxon

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  • TV Shows That Have Dealt With Tourette Syndrome

    Author David Jester, gives us an insight in to his views on a selection of TV shows that have featured TS.

    Posted Mon 14th Aug 2017 at 10:33
    by David Jester

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  • I Don't Have Tourettes!

    Rachel Miles, mum to 8 year old Shae, tells us how TicFest South was a life-changing weekend for her family.

    Posted Thu 13th Jul 2017 at 12:00
    by Rachel Miles

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  • Reclaiming the T-word

    Tourettes Action Research Manager, Dr Seonaid Anderson highlights the systemic misuse of the word 'tourettes' and how this continues to compound the stigma surrounding the condition.

    Posted Wed 5th Jul 2017 at 10:30

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  • Research left me feeling awesome and unique!

    Clair Beckett gives her account of being a research participant for a study looking at 'attentional and inhibitory mechanisms in Tourette syndrome.'

    Posted Mon 3rd Jul 2017 at 11:09
    by Clair Beckett

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