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14 Year old Tayla-Leigh opens up about her struggles with TS and just how much TeenFest 2018 meant to her.

Posted Tue 14th Aug 2018 at 09:33
by Tayla-Leigh Hayes


Since I was little I have been in and out of hospital having tests to try and diagnose what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with TS on the 13th of June 2017 after having tics for 2 years. No one around me could understand I couldn't help the tics and I kept getting told to stop messing about.

For a long time, I felt isolated and lonely because I was the only one with TS and no one could understand what I was going through. This is why I am happy about the fact that I got to meet people my own age group with TS. I can talk to them about how they experience it and how their TS is. It was really great to become friends with so many people who know what I go through daily.

It was also good to laugh and joke with people who have TS about our own tics because not many people are quite comfortable with being around people with TS. They are scared in case something they say offends them.

I would really like it if we can have longer days together and more meet ups with other kids who have TS because I don't feel alone and not understood when I am around them. No one is answering my tics or telling me to stop or distracting me from my tics because they have had enough but feel rude to say so. I also don't feel the need to stay alone in my room because these people understand me and they are going through what I am.

Yes, it's good to be different but being different to the point where you can't talk to anyone who understands is the worse feeling in the world.

So thank you Pip and Emma for TeenFest, I hope to go again soon because it was a total blast to become friends with everyone and tic around without worry.

Lots of love
Tayla-Leigh x x

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14 Year old Tayla-Leigh opens up about her struggles with TS and just how much TeenFest 2018 meant to her.

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