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My chance to do work experience with the University of Nottingham research team

Posted Thu 23rd Jan 2014 at 21:35
by Spencer Forbes


One of the great things about getting involved in research is being to help but also being helped at the same time.

14 year-old Spencer Forbes has Tourette Syndrome and recently took part in research being undertaken at the University of Nottingham. Afterwards, he was invited to spend a week at the university undertaking work experience with the research team. We caught up with Spencer after his week at work and asked him how he had got on.

How did you come to have your work experience at the University of Nottingham?

When we started doing work experience at school I wanted to do something 'sciency', so I contacted people I knew at the university from research and asked if I could do work experience there.

Were you involved in research there already?

Yes, I had done some research into the effects of exercise and relaxation on TS and had a few scans.

How long were you there for work experience?

One week, I did work somewhere else the second week (It wasn't long enough!!!).

Were you in a particular team or department?

I was in Psychology, but that involved moving from the Psychology department, the MRI Centre and the Institute of Mental Health on a different nearby campus, which was exciting!

Why did you want a work experience placement with this team or department?

As I had been involved in research I thought being able to see things from the other side (the researcher's point of view) would be interesting.

What did you hope to achieve from this work experience placement?

I wanted it to be fun, which it was and that I could gain knowledge on how the university and research worked, which I did!

Can you give us an idea of the kind of things you did – any duties or things you were asked to do?

I tested a few research activities (games), researched for a phone app, learnt about Psychopaths (!),learnt about the ins and outs of conducting research and lots more!

What do you feel you gained from the experience?

Well, I had to use public transport to get into Nottingham and get up early, which improved my time keeping skills and independence and I now study GCSE Psychology because it was so interesting! I also think I might apply to Nottingham University and feel more confident.

Any parts you found difficult?

The journey and being out of the house from 7am- 5/6pm. I was very tired at the end of the week!

Would you have any advice for anyone about to go on work experience?

At both my weeks the people weren't as horrible as I thought they would be, I thought I'd be their slave! Just be on time and ask if you're unsure or want to learn more, I learnt a lot that I wouldn't have if I hadn't asked.

What are your future career plans/goals?

I want to go to university, possibly Nottingham and study something science based, probably Natural Sciences which incorporates all of the Sciences. Then I want to become a researcher in something that matters to me at that time, just like the researchers when I went to the University

Spencer was talking to the TA Research Manager, Seonaid Anderson.

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My chance to do work experience with the University of Nottingham research team

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