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"As a child everything had to be in its exact place and things had to be equal/even and I still often need things to be 'just right'"

Welcome to Tourettes Action

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a genetically determined neurological condition, the key features of which are tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements. TS is a complex condition and covers a wide spectrum of symptoms.

Tourettes Action is a support and research charity working to improve the lives of people living with Tourette syndrome. Our services include online live-chat and email support, online and face-to-face support groups, training, webinars, events and resources.

"Research should enhance understanding of the causes and effects of TS and associated conditions"

About TA




Monday 03 February 16:15

Teen Support Group, Online 4.15pm - 5pm

Wednesday 05 February 19:00

Adults with TS Support Group, Online 7pm - 8pm

Thursday 06 February 10:00

Parent/Caregiver Online Coffee Morning, Online 10am - 11am

Contact us

If you have any questions we would love to hear from you

