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"Thank you so much TEENfest for giving me the experience of feeling happy and being myself."

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Our residential weekend events for unaccompanied teenagers with TS aged 14-17 years old.

What is TEENfest?

TEENfest offers the chance for teens with TS to meet other teens for a weekend of making friends, mutual support and fun. Many young people with TS have never met anyone else with tics so can often feel alone, isolated and mis-understood. This is an ideal opportunity to really connect with their peers which can help build self esteem and confidence.

We charge a nominal fee of £65 per child. We want our events to be accessible to all, so if financial constraints are preventing you from applying, please reach out to us.

PLEASE NOTE: Expressions of Interest will remain open from 31 January - 14 February 2025


TEENfest 2025

TEENfest Blackwell - West Midlands

20-22 June 2025

In the late 1960s, as Birmingham expanded, the Birmingham County Scouts needed a new campsite. Yorks Wood, once a perfect country retreat, was surrounded by houses. A search led two gentlemen to Blackwell Court, a hidden gem. With financial help from local millionaire Douglas Turner, the Scouts purchased the estate and began transforming it into a campsite and activity centre. The Manor House still holds many treasures, including original fireplaces, a well-equipped kitchen, beautiful glass-fronted cupboards, and two tiled cold rooms. The highlight is the 1891 Eagle Range, made on Broad Street in Birmingham.


Expressions of Interest will remain open from 31 January - 14 February 2025



Our previous TEENfest events have been hugely succesful and life-changing for both attendees and their families. One parent wrote to us to say:

‘It was very emotional leaving him at the event. I could see how relaxed he felt just being himself and not trying to supress his tics. It was amazing and overwhelming seeing him with other people his own age. As a parent you just want your child to be happy and he was. These events are a lifeline in more ways than you can ever know. They provide safe fun weekends, friendships, the opportunity to try new things, the chance to be away from family, making decisions on their own. For family members it gives respite but it also gave me hope that he can be accepted into a social setting. I can't thank you enough’.


You can read what our young people take away from their weekend in these amazing blogs:

Please note that these events are for unnacompanied teenagers. Staff from Tourettes Action will facilitate the weekend event, and on-site activities will be fully supervised by venue instructors.


TEENfest Terms and Conditions

  • TEENfest is open to accept bookings for young people to attend who are aged between 14-17 at the point in time the event takes place only
  • Those aged between 14 and 17 are limited to attend one TEENfest, per year, as the demand for these events outstrips supply and we try to make sure that as many young people as possible can benefit from attending each year
  • Young people attending must have a TS diagnosis and this must be evidenced by uploading a clinician’s letter/clinic letter on the booking form
  • There is a charge of £65 for the young person booked to attend the TEENfest once a place at the event has been confirmed. Once you receive confirmation of your place at the TEENfest event you will be asked to make your payment by the deadline given. If you fail to make your payment you agree to forfeit your young person’s place, and it will be given to another young person
  • For transparency places will be allocated to a TEENfest in this order and our word is final:
    1. Members from the previous year’s waiting list
    2. First-time participants at a Fest with TS diagnosis
    3. Members with a TS diagnosis who have attended a Fest previously
  • Once the places are allocated, all first-time participants with a confirmed diagnosis of TS who were unsuccessful in gaining a place, will be added to a waiting list. People on this waiting list will then get places first at next year's event following the allocation rules above
  • If you are unable to attend the TEENfest you must give Tourettes Action as much notice as possible so that they are able to offer the place to another young person. We will endeavour to provide a full refund to you if we are able to fill the cancelled booking
  • There are strictly no pets allowed at any Tourettes Action event or activity with the exception of Guide Dogs. If you are bringing a Guide Dog you must make this clear on the booking form
  • All meals are included throughout the weekend. If your young person has specific dietary requirements you must complete the relevant section of the booking form so that the venue can accommodate their needs
  • The event will be nut-free, with all snacks and meals prepared without nuts or nut products. We also ask for young people not to bring nuts or nut products to the venue
  • All activities are included throughout the weekend. Our objective is to make sure that there are a range of activities provided to meet the expectations of all young people attending. Some activities may be more challenging or extreme than others, it will be your responsibility to select activities that are appropriate to your young person
  • Accommodation is included throughout the weekend. Each young person will be allocated a room which they will share with two or more other young people. Please note that the room may not have en-suite facilities, and your young person may have to share a bathroom with other young people. It is highly unlikely that changes to accommodation will be made once they have been allocated
  • Your young person agrees to listen and to do as instructed by members of Tourettes Action staff and staff who work for the venue that the TEENfest is being held at. This is for their safety and the safety of others
  • At TEENfest parents agree (by checking the box on the booking form) that the Tourettes Action team will have responsibility for their young person for the duration of the event
  • Parents must agree to be within 30 minutes of the venue for the entirety of the weekend, therefore if they are needed at any point, they can be back at the venue within 30 minutes
  • Upon hearing a fire alarm young people will follow instructions given to them by venue staff or Tourettes Acton staff. If staff are not present during an alarm young people will make their way to the fire assembly point (details of which are provided upon arrival)
  • Tourettes Action and the venue has fully risk assessed the weekend and made sure that appropriate controls are in place for everyone’s safety
  • If car parking is available at the venue, neither the venue or Tourettes Action accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to your vehicle
  • All personal belongings are the responsibility of those that bring them to the event. Neither the venue or Tourettes Action can be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items
  • Alcohol may not be brought to or consumed at the venue
  • Drugs are not permitted at the venue
  • Smoking and vaping are not permitted at the venue


For more information, please contact our Events Manager Emma Myers at